Arraya Insights Vodcast: A Candid Conversation with Fortinet’s Global Field CISO
On this episode of the Arraya Insights Vodcast, Scott Brion, Arraya’s Cyber Security Director, welcomes special guest Jonathan Nguyen-Duy, Vice President and Global Field CISO at Fortinet.
As a global security advisor and executive lead for strategy and analytics, Jonathan’s work at Fortinet is focused on strategy, data analytics and helping enterprises with digital transformation for security from the IoT edge, across enterprise networks, to hybrid clouds. He is a widely published security expert and frequent speaker at industry events with unique global commercial and public sector experience as well as a deep understanding of threats, technology, compliance, and business issues.
The discussion covers a wide range of topics facing organizations today including vulnerability management, hybrid work models and their effect on cyber security, current challenges such as staffing, supply chain, cyber insurance, and more.
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