Digital Transformation & the Evolution of the Modern IT Team
Businesses are transforming like never before. Not long ago, innovation only moved as fast as infrastructure let it. If a business wanted to chase a new opportunity, it meant overhauling on-premises infrastructure to support that new initiative. Thanks to modern advances like the cloud and hybrid data centers, companies can transform on the fly. Major innovation can be triggered with little more than a credit card.
We call this shift Digital Transformation and it is about more than changing traditional IT managed technologies. It has changed what it means to work in IT. Teams that adapt will help their organizations find new ways to succeed for years to come. Those who can’t adjust risk having to watch from the sidelines as the business takes matters into its own hands.
Before Digital Transformation, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) was the way things were done in IT. ITIL provided a tight framework for managing IT resources and services. It worked like this: Say an end user needed a new program on his or her computer. Under ITIL, the user would submit a ticket that would then go into a queue. Every so often, the user would be emailed progress updates. At the end of this process, the user would get his or her software. Meanwhile, the CIO had a way to watch over IT resources from a high level.
ITIL may get results in an efficient and standardized manner, but it is also rigid and event-oriented. Following through on it takes the strict focus of entire IT departments, leaving no room for creativity or innovation. ITIL often came down to: “Here’s your framework. Stick to it. End of discussion.”
If you think about it, the inflexibility of ITIL is the exact opposite of what we’re seeing with Digital Transformation. The goal of Digital Transformation is enabling IT to provide outside the box value. In an organization that has embraced this way of thinking, the scenario above would have played out very differently.
With the flexibility of Digital Transformation, if an end user needed a piece of software, they would loop in IT, get the go-ahead, and obtain it themselves. Meanwhile, IT would be busy meeting with people from across the business, hearing their goals and concerns, and figuring out how to address them through technology. Techs would be exploring ideas like using mobile to open up new business scenarios or using the cloud to increase agility. Sure, they would still manage events – unless they’ve fully divested themselves of that with the help of a Managed Services provider. However, giving end users ownership over lower-level tasks lets IT pros add far more value and provide more strategic guidance to the business than they ever could under ITIL.
Begin transforming your business one step at a time
Where does your organization stand with Digital Transformation? Whether you’re brand new to all of this or embraced it early, Arraya can help you figure out your next move through our Digital Transformation Advisory Services. By leveraging the deep technological knowledge and experience of our team, you can determine the path that makes the most sense for your business. This could be anything from adopting modern IT methodologies to an on-premises infrastructure lift and shift to a full cloud migration. Visit to get started.
Want to hear more about Digital Transformation? You’re invited to attend the 3rd Annual Arraya Tech Summit on June 8th in King of Prussia, PA. The Tech Summit is a free day of sessions on today’s most important IT topics, including Digital Transformation. We are running a session called “Planning & Executing a Digital Strategy – Both On-Site and in the Cloud.” The session will concentrate on how Digital Transformation affects the lives of average techs. We will also touch on what techs can do to motivate their organizations to begin having these conversations, which are becoming critical to remaining competitive.
This is just one of the two dozen-plus classes scheduled for this year’s Tech Summit. Attendees will also be able to check out classes on the cloud, hyperconverged, cybersecurity and more. Each of these will be presented by members of our leading team of engineers. This ensures the Tech Summit delivers on its promise of being a day “by techs, for techs.”
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